2021 Global Tax Market Assessment


Risky Business - Top Risks of Remote Hiring for Hiring Authorities and Employees

As we approach the spring hiring season, the busiest hiring cycle of the year, it seems like a perfect time to bring attention to a certain pressure that appears to be rising in the market.

Risky Business - Top Risks of Remote Hiring for Hiring Authorities and Employees.pdf

Tax Diversity Standards Of Tomorrow

As companies are scrutinized by ESG standards, there are unique factors in tax that will cause tension for companies as they struggle to meet a specific area regarding the social element of ESG. Natalie Santiago and Adam Golden address these factors and provide potential short and long-term solutions in their latest white paper.

Tax Diversity Standards Of Tomorrow - NS AG.pdf

Impending Labor Shortage - The Underlying Conditions Affecting Your Tax Function

This article discusses how the impending labor shortage in tax will impact how investors view your company.

Impending Labor Shortage - Underlying Conditions Affecting Your Tax Function.pdf

Drawing the Line - Needs VS. Wants

With more candidates than available jobs in the current employer-driven market, Tyler Simpson’s latest article addresses the importance of hiring authorities drawing a hard line between the company’s needs versus wants in the job description. Ineffective job ads will result in a flood of candidates who are ultimately unqualified for your position. Read the article to see a real-life example of how we improved a client’s job description.

Drawing the Line - Needs VS. Wants.pdf

Consultants: Easing the Transition for New Remote Clients

If you are already consulting or are considering becoming a tax consultant, you need to read this. In this new, unusual normal, tax consultants no longer spend any time with the client onboarding them before or during the project. Consultants need to recognize that although they may have remote consulting experience, remote roles are a new dynamic for many hiring authorities. Reply below with any questions or comments regarding your own experiences.

Consultants Easing the Transition for New Remote Clients.pdf

CFO Webinar - Captive labor Pool

Buyer Beware - Outsourcing Update - October 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has given the Big4 a convenient pretext to promote their managed services outsourcing model as a novel, client-driven solution. All the rage in the late 80s and early 90s, it’s pretty telling that none of the large, complex companies that initially entered into those arrangements are still doing so today.

Buyer Beware - Outsourcing Update - October 2020.pdf

Top 5 Fundamental Questions to Ask When Interviewing Candidates in the U.S. for your lead U.S. tax department positions

As a non-U.S. corporation, it is imperative that you hire the RIGHT American for your lead U.S. tax department roles. Read this article for 5 key questions you need to ask during the interview process.

Top 5 Fundamental Questions to Ask When Interviewing U.S. candidates for your U.S. lead positions.pdf

The Hidden Challenges of Remote Work for Tax Departments - Managing Talent at a Distance

In recent months, remote work has become the norm. As we move forward into the “new normal,” we are beginning to see a number of emerging implications for the tax industry. While there are upsides to working from home, we believe tax departments will soon encounter complications in two key areas.

The Hidden Challenges of Remote Work for Tax Departments - Managing Talent at a Distance Final.pdf