Strategic Hiring - An Introduction

Many companies are temporarily putting a hold on hiring or cutting costs due to COVID 19, but we all know the workload for tax isn’t going anywhere. Now is the time to strategize.

Strategic Hiring – An Introduction.pdf

DAC 6 is Coming – Will It Cause A Chilling Effect On The Use Of Outside Advisors?

Tax departments are being asked to do more work with fewer resources and I fear preparation for DAC 6 is not at the top of tax department's priority lists. July 1st is rapidly approaching and you must make time to create a strategy surrounding DAC 6 NOW.

DAC6 is Coming - Will It Cause A Chilling Effect On The Use Of Outside Advisors.pdf

COVID-19 Update - Major Trends Facing Tax Departments

As a CFO or financial leader overseeing a tax function, time is money. When hiring and retaining tax talent, the focus is often on salaries and development, but three pivotal trends threaten to consume bandwidth and complicate these endeavors.

COVID Updates - Tax Hiring and Retention Oversights.pdf

Hey Millennials, It's Not All Doom And Gloom

Millennials in the tax industry are becoming “essential” workers. Adam Golden, Director of Executive Search explains why.

Hey Millennials, It's Not All Doom and Gloom.pdf

Tax Hiring and Retention Oversights - Three Key Trends

Three key trends will make attracting, retaining and developing tax talent harder than ever.

Tax Hiring and Retention Oversights - Three Key Trends - Tony (1).pdf

The Tax Leadership Shakeup Ahead- Don’t Get Caught Off Guard

Your tax department will soon face one of two challenges as we prepare for a major tax leadership shakeup. Read this short article so you don’t get caught off guard.

The Tax Leadership Shakeup Ahead- Don’t Get Caught Off Guard.pdf

Using Consultants During a Pandemic

Don’t let this pandemic restrict you from getting necessary work done. Just-in-time talent, at a fraction of the cost, will save you cash but could also save your department

Using Consultants During a Pandemic.pdf

Tax and Treasury - To Combine Or Not To Combine

The question on every CFO's mind right now is, should Tax and Treasury become one? I discussed this with six Tax and Treasury executives to get their insight.

Tax and Treasury - To Combine Or Not To Combine.pdf

1980 to Now: What's Different About This Market Turndown

If you are ultimately responsible for your corporate tax function, take a moment to read this short article about why this market turn-down is different. To summarize, it can be encapsulated in one word - "PAUSE."

What's Different About This Market Turndown - Tony.pdf

Working Remote: 3 Keys to Success

While locked indoors, be open to success! This article gives advice on how to effectively manage your tax team from home.

Working Remote 3 Keys to Success.pdf