Career Advice for a Younger Me

Paul Iannone, JD, CPA, MST, Tax Professional and Founder of Tax Career Advisor, shares valuable career insights regarding “Career Advice for a Younger Me.” Young tax professionals are often focused on passing the CPA exam and adjusting to a new career and learning tax technical issues. However, personal development skills are critical to one's long-term success and should be learned early-on and fine-tuned throughout one's career. This article examines the personal skills that are critical for success.

Career Advice for a Younger Me.pdf

Year-End and New Beginnings Article

Year-end is a busy time. This article takes a quick look at the top issues facing tax departments across the board at this time of year - year end budgeting, tax reform, technology and personal development and goal setting.

Year End and New Beginnings.pdf

TaxTalent Brochure

TaxTalent Brochure.pdf

State and Local Tax Brochure

State and Local Tax Brochure.pdf

2017 Career Satisfaction Survey

The 2017 Career Satisfaction Survey provides a current snapshot of career satisfaction from the staff to manager level tax professionals in corporate in-house tax departments. Bottom line - More than half of all employees that responded do not feel their personal career goals and ambitions are well-understood by their tax department leaders. This annual survey provides the data used to come to conclusions as well as action steps to improve employee satisfaction. Report recommends that tax and financial leaders leverage this data for their own performance optimization.

2017 Career Satisfaction Survey Report.pdf

Family of Tax Brands Brochure

List of all services offered by the TaxTalent/TaxSearch family and how they can be used by employers.

The Family of Tax Brands Brochure Official.pdf

External Resignation Info with TT logo - For TT Members

List of important steps to know before you resign from your current position.

External Resignation Information.pdf

External Resignation Info with TSI Logo

Important steps you should know before turning in your resignation with your current employer.

External Resignation Information w TS logo.pdf

Sample Resignation Letter

Sample of how a resignation letter should look

Sample Resignation Letter.pdf